Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ramadan: Day 6

Well, that didn't last very long.

Here's what my experiment in fasting has taught me; I need to eat on a regular basis, it's really hard to do without other people doing it with you as part of a community, and I really, really need more calories than can be considered reasonably healthy.

By the end of the third day of fasting, I was so irritable that I was yelling at people for walking too loudly. Now, as I work in child care, that's not acceptable behavior when trying to set a good example for hundreds of kids. By the time 3:00 or 4:00 rolled around in the afternoon, I was so drained of energy I couldn't get anything done. My mind would just blank and I would stare at a wall. This week and next week are the two busiest of my summer (special projects at work abound!) so I really had to be on my game. (Incidently, that's also why there's been a lapse in blog updates.)

So, I regret to say, I gave up. I lack the community to help me cope with the stresses of the fast, and I lack the practice or patience for it. I've at least tried to cut back on how much I eat, but that's been hard too. I have a high metabolism, so I need more food that most people to function properly. Even with 2,000 - 3,000 calories before I get home in the evening, I'm still exhausted. I just have no energy. Still, I'm trying.

Enough making excuses though. There's other holiday coming up to celebrate, and I still have to write that article explaining a bit about the history of Ramadan, so there's pleanty for me to do. Like I said though, the next few weeks will be really busy at work, so I might not get to everything in a timely manner.

I'll see you next time!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ramadan: Day 1

Today marks the first day of my Ramadan fasting. Most sources simply state that I cannot eat or drink from sunrise to sunset, but seeing as it's been a very warm summer, and I still have to go to work, I've decided to exclude the drinking of water from those stipulations. No need to kill myself for a blog project.

I was going to get up early this morning before sun-up to eat something, but slept about 10 minutes too late for that. Maybe this whole project will get me used to rising and shining a bit earlier than normal. Anyway, no food for me until around 9:15 tonight... it's going to be a long first day.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calender. It's a time to purify the soul, practice self sacrifice, and refocus attention on God. More than just fasting, Muslims will abstain from all physical needs this month, purifying their bodies as well as their souls. Charitable work during this month is said to bring multiplied rewards in heaven, and prayer is observed more frequently and for longer periods of time.

My observation will be along these lines as well. This blog is a non-denominational, and doesn't focus on any single religion, so I don't feel comfortable throwing myself whole heartedly into the Muslim faith... that wouldn't be fair or respectful to them, and it wouldn't be honest of me at all.

As an experience project, I will abstain from physical needs and wants, fast during the daylight hours, work to purify my body and I will meditate every day to calm and purify my mind, and focus on my own spirituality. Is practicing Zen Meditation a conflict of interest? Well, I do it in a non-religious manner and use it mostly as a focusing tool, so no, I don't think it will be a problem.

So those are my ground rules. As I move forward with this lunar month, I'll post more information on what Ramadan actually is, where it comes from, and how different Muslim cultures observe it. Stay tuned, and I'll post more soon.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

National Ice Cream Month

It's worth noting before I move into the next major project on this blog that July is National Ice Cream Month.

The third Sunday in July is always National Ice Cream Day (it was the 15th) and I was going to write about this then, but I got really busy for a little bit, and I was bogged down in research for the aforementioned project.

President Ronald Reagan proclaimed July as National Ice Cream Month in 1984. Only Executive Order or an Act of Congress can create an actual National holiday, so this one is for real.

Since it's been so hot here in Michigan (Hot in Michigan? Yeah, I know, weird...) I've been celebrating by having a bowl of ice cream pretty much every day this month. That will come to an end tonight however, because as of sun-down, we'll be entering the Islamic month of Ramadan... which is characterized by a strict fast from sun-up until sun-down... and I'll be observing the holy month right along with the Muslim community this year...

Stay tuned! I'll be updating on my Ramadan progress frequently.

Monday, July 9, 2012

National Sugar Cookie Day

Today is July 9th... National Sugar Cookie Day!

This is another one of those "National" days that isn't actually a state-sponsored holiday anywhere in the world as far as I can tell. But who cares if I get to eat some cookies, right?

The orrigional plan today was to wait for my wife to get home from work and make cookies together, take picture, and tell you folks reading at home how fun it is to make cookies with your family, bla, bla, bla...

Lauren has a really long drive home from work though, and I didn't think she'd be in the mood to bake after all that, so I struck out on my own to celebrate this day by myself!

I have a very short and somewhat spotted history with baking. And by that I mean I suck at it. So, I decided that instead of making sugar cookies from scratch, I would pick up some pre-made dough at the store, and just call it a day that way.

I had the best of intentions, but you know what they say about good intentions and the road to Hell being paved with them. I don't really know what they're talking about though... I've been down the road to Hell, and the Michigan Department of Transportation sure didn't pave that sucker with good intentions...

No really, it's a real place. Look it up.

I started by getting the dough out of the tube, and rolling it in some flour so it wouldn't stick to the counter top or the rolling pin (apparently no one told my dough that was supposed to work, because it stuck anyway.) I then rolled it out and chose some nifty dino-cookie-cutters to make the most awesome sugar cookies ever.

Rawr! Dino cookies!

My first attempt at a dino-cookie didn't turn out well. Or my second. Or the third.

When H.P. Lovecraft's makes cookies...

I eventually threw in the towel on that one and just started with some simple shapes. I even did a question mark! That gave me enough confidence to try again with the dinosaurs, and this time, they turned out okay.

As I put the cookies in the oven (350 degrees, 10-12 minutes) I had a sudden bad feeling, like I was doing something wrong. I'd greased the cookie sheet (and the pizza pan) and followed the cooking directions on the package, so I had no idea what it could be. I threw the suckers in there and waited for the timer to go off.

Doesn't this feel foreboding to you?

I waited until the edges of the cookies were golden brown before pulling them out of the oven (11.25 minutes exactly) and what to my wide and horrified eyes should appear but... BLOAT-A-SAURUS!


The cookies had of course expanded, and I'd had then way too close together. Also, the store bought dough was obviously not intended for rolling and using cookie cutters, because none of the shapes held... they were all deformed and weird looking.

The horror!

Despite my failure in baking (Baking 22, Jake 3... sigh...) I had still successfully made slightly burnt but edible sugar cookies, so I could continue my celebration of the holiday! I slathered ol' Bloat-a-saurus with whipped frosting and ate the sassafras out of that cookie!


There was nothing left to do except get a plate full of cookies and eat them for dinner. Note to kids... when you grow up, you too can eat a plate of cookies for dinner... but not until you move out of your parents house.

Come back next time for when I maybe actually observe a real, documented holiday of some sort! Or, you know, maybe not. See you next time!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

National Strawberry Sundae Day

Today is National Strawberry Sundae Day!

Or so the internet tells me.

I couldn't find any actual documentation on this day, but several websites assured me that July 7th is, in fact, a day to celebrate strawberry sundaes, so I thought, “Why not? Let's do it!”

The best way to celebrate this day is obviously to eat a sundae topped with strawberries. My wife and I went out with our friend Leslie and picked up some ice cream (vanilla and strawberry swirl!) and a pile of berries. We then proceeded to our good friend's Chad and Amy's house.

After a fun filled afternoon of pools and water slides and squirt-gun fights, we all piled inside and broke out the ice cream, the berries, the toppings, and let's not forget the whipped cream! 

I'm pretty sure no one put the Franks Red Hot sauce on their ice cream...

This is probably a good time to mention that I'm not a huge fan of strawberries... or any berries really. I don't know what it is about them that puts me off... the texture of them? The feeling of the skin still on the outside of the fruit? How squishy they are? Who knows. Whatever it is, I don't actively seek out berries, but like most things, I'll eat them if I have to.

Today I DIDN'T have to eat them, but they're kind of in the name of the day, and this whole project doesn't have any meaning if I don't actually celebrate the holidays I'm supposed to be experiencing. So I piled those suckers on there. I mean really got into 'em and dumped 'em on. 

You know what I found out? When you slice the suckers up, cover them with chocolate sauce, caramel sauce and whipped cream and drown them in ice cream... they're not so bad! Though, I'm sure most things would taste good if you did all that to them... except maybe Spam... but that's a different holiday. And you'll have to wait a little while for me to get to it, because we just missed it yesterday. 

My Strawberry Sundae. It was delicious!

Anyway, my wife Lauren, Leslie, Chad, Amy and their boys Caleb (age 10) and Logan (age 8) all sat down with me and we ate the heck out of those sundaes. Everyone had a good time, everyone had some good tasty treats, and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely.

Ice cream, after all, makes everything better.

See you for the next one!
