Saturday, July 7, 2012

National Strawberry Sundae Day

Today is National Strawberry Sundae Day!

Or so the internet tells me.

I couldn't find any actual documentation on this day, but several websites assured me that July 7th is, in fact, a day to celebrate strawberry sundaes, so I thought, “Why not? Let's do it!”

The best way to celebrate this day is obviously to eat a sundae topped with strawberries. My wife and I went out with our friend Leslie and picked up some ice cream (vanilla and strawberry swirl!) and a pile of berries. We then proceeded to our good friend's Chad and Amy's house.

After a fun filled afternoon of pools and water slides and squirt-gun fights, we all piled inside and broke out the ice cream, the berries, the toppings, and let's not forget the whipped cream! 

I'm pretty sure no one put the Franks Red Hot sauce on their ice cream...

This is probably a good time to mention that I'm not a huge fan of strawberries... or any berries really. I don't know what it is about them that puts me off... the texture of them? The feeling of the skin still on the outside of the fruit? How squishy they are? Who knows. Whatever it is, I don't actively seek out berries, but like most things, I'll eat them if I have to.

Today I DIDN'T have to eat them, but they're kind of in the name of the day, and this whole project doesn't have any meaning if I don't actually celebrate the holidays I'm supposed to be experiencing. So I piled those suckers on there. I mean really got into 'em and dumped 'em on. 

You know what I found out? When you slice the suckers up, cover them with chocolate sauce, caramel sauce and whipped cream and drown them in ice cream... they're not so bad! Though, I'm sure most things would taste good if you did all that to them... except maybe Spam... but that's a different holiday. And you'll have to wait a little while for me to get to it, because we just missed it yesterday. 

My Strawberry Sundae. It was delicious!

Anyway, my wife Lauren, Leslie, Chad, Amy and their boys Caleb (age 10) and Logan (age 8) all sat down with me and we ate the heck out of those sundaes. Everyone had a good time, everyone had some good tasty treats, and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely.

Ice cream, after all, makes everything better.

See you for the next one!


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