Monday, September 24, 2012

Jim Henson's Birthday

Today's post is not about a National holiday... not even a fake internet one. Or one invented by Halmark or even one of those random 'appreciation' days you see every now and then. No, today is about celebrating the birthday of one of the most amazing men the 20th Century had to offer.

Jim Henson (wiki!) is best known as the creator of the Muppets and the voice and the hand behind Kermit the Frog. His contributions to modern pop culture and the influence he had on several generations of children are undeniable. His work and his creations have endured since their inceptions, and nothing to think of the scope of his legacy is staggering.

As an example of his status as legendary in the TV and film making industry, it's appropriate to point out the Hollywood Walk of Fame. There are three people who are double credited there; Walt Disney as himself and Micky Mouse, Mel Blanc as himself and Bugs Bunny... and Jim Henson, as himself and Kermit. That's some pretty big company to keep.

To say he effected a major influence on my life is an understatement. I grew up with Sesame Street, which in turn spawned the Muppet Show, which in my opinion is still the best verity show ever aired on television. A list of my personal heroes includes The Great Gonzo... towards the top. Fraggle Rock was one of my favorite shows as a child, and I've every recent Muppet movie in the theater on opening weekend.

At Henson's memorial service, no one wore black, as per his request. The grievers were given butterflies on puppeteer's rods to wave, and there were more musical numbers than you' expect to see at a funeral. I'll leave you here with two videos in Mr. Henson's honor.

We all still miss you Jim, but we know you're smiling on us from somewhere, watching over all of our Muppet needs. Thank you.

Some of Jim's favorite songs, as preformed by his friends...

And the memorial given by the guy who worked with and knew Jim better than almost anyone... Frank Oz.

See you all next time!

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